Sunday, April 22, 2012

In continuation of my discussion about overmedicalisation of pregnancy and labour care ,I further want to say that a lot also depends on your approach to pregnancy as" would be" mothers.Please do not consider pregnancy as a medical disease.Remember that no matter what you do and whatever care you take ,how so ever number of ultrasounds you get done or dont get done,whatever number of antenatal check ups you go for ,whatever rest you take or you dont take ,most pregnancies and labour will be uneventful and safe.This is specially true for most mothers like you who are well nourished and are not suffering from any major medical illness.Remember as an expectant mother you should spread positivity which will have a positive influence on your family and care givers.When you are over anxious you may induce your  care giver to worry more about you and that may unnecessarily cause more interventions .Let me give you an example. Say Mrs B has had two miscarriages at 2 months which does not increase the risk of fetal loss at term .But once she is 38 weeks ,she is overanxious and feels there are decreased fetal movements.She comes to the emergency and a CTG and USG are reassuring.After 2 days she again rings up the doctor saying movements are less. Again the doctor does the CTG and finds her movements are fine.When she comes back a third time with the same complaints because of anxiety the medical care giver will in all likelihood induce her (Arificial pains )

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